The Envelope

You have been waiting months to open your envelope.

You are wondering what the significance of the wait is.

James 1:4 says:
Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

And so there you have it.

If you have “done the book” you have connected more deeply with God. He has likely revealed a few things to you along the way:

~~Who He is (worthy of all of our worship)
~~Who He should be to us (the center of everything, the most important Person and Being)
~~Who we are to Him (restored to Him through Christ’s death and resurrection, able to approach Him, as we are precious to Him)

So now that you have finished the book (and this won’t “work” unless you have done over 90% of it) and when you get to the point where you are ready to open the envelope, I have a few questions for you (and your small group if you choose to get together and discuss these things):

~~What does what you wrote down reveal about where you were in your faith walk?
~~What has changed?
~~Why has it changed?
~~What has God done with what you’ve written down, either within you, or outside of you?
~~What have you learned as a result?

Dare you to share your outcomes and Envelope Experiences with us here!

Glad you are on the journey with us. We hope you will consider joining us on our Strength & Dignity journey!

Love to you,