about us

How we got Started

Honestly, we’re still getting started! Even though we began in 2005, this ministry has been a part-time endeavor and a labor of love for God and His people. We are a group of women who use the gifts God has given us to deliver training and encouragement to His children. We got started initially when the training company I (Nina) was working for offered me a position that would require tutors and baby sitters for my kids so I could manage more trainers and teach more classes. I was sensing that God had a different plan for me, and that NOW (2006) might be the time to give life to the dream He placed within me fifteen years earlier. I had deep desire to equip God’s people to “make a greater impact” in their circles of influence. So, I quit my job and started this ministry.

Early on, I sensed God’s leading to write Daughters of Sarah. The neat thing is that, in doing so, He created within me a desire to “get it right at home.” The principles from that course helped create a right environment for our team. We put the needs of our team and their families ahead of the needs of the ministry – for example, I limit out of town speaking engagements to 4-6 times a year. We take time off in the summer. We try to be an encouragement to each other as friends first. This also fits with the Daughters philosophy, to encourage women to deeply connect with each other and do life together.

The Respect Dare evolved out of Daughters of Sarah, then our Strength & Dignity eCourse. Recently, we’ve moved into online live classes and life coaching.

Our Mission

Greater Impact Ministries, Inc. is a biblical training organization purposed to equip men and women to make a greater impact in all that they do, for the Lord Jesus Christ.

As an organization, first and foremost, we are committed to God. We seek to follow His direction and timing, while pursuing excellence in all that we do to glorify Him. This applies to how we deliver our courses, select mentors and coaches, and manage the day-to-day business of the organization. All of our ministry team members are expected to develop and pursue their relationship with Jesus on a consistent basis. We are stewards with the resources God provides for our ministry.

Greater Impact Ministries, Inc. is a non-denominational, tax-exempt, non-profit training organization.

What we Believe

1. We believe in one God, holy, infinitely perfect, and existing in the Trinity of unity in God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

2. We believe the Bible is the inspired work of God. We believe it is a living document through which God communicates to His people.

3. We believe all men and women are born sinful and are no longer slaves of sin after they become saints by accepting the saving gift of Jesus Christ and making Him Lord of their lives, confessing this with their mouths.

4. We believe marriage is instituted by God, and is intended to represent Christ’s relationship with His church.

5. We believe marriage is between one man and one woman, according to the Scriptures.

6. We believe God’s greatest commandments are to love Him and love others, regardless of their religious affiliation (or lack thereof), gender, age, ability/disability, sexual orientation, or other backgrounds.

7. We believe we are here to learn to love others well, and not to judge, but also to teach the truth of the Bible.

8. We believe all people are on a spiritual journey.

9. We believe judgment is reserved for God alone and Christ when He comes again.

10. We believe the Scripture teaches women are of equal value to men, and both are created in the image of God.

11. We do not ascribe fully to labels (pre-destination, complementarian, etc.) but encourage people to discover for themselves what God would have for them through the Bible and their relationship journey with Him.

Meet our Team
We have many people involved with this ministry from prayer partners to donors, to directors, to mentors, 
to everyone else a ministry needs to function. We love the heart these people have for this ministry.
Our executive team:

Nina Roesner, Founder/Executive Director/Trainer/Coach

Nina Roesner is the founder and executive director of Greater Impact Ministries, Inc., a Christian training organization. Nina has more than 20 years in the communications and training industry and has coached executives, managers, individuals, wives, couples, church staffs, and pastors around the country. As a professional speaker for women’s groups and the author/developer of The Respect Dare (Thomas Nelson, 2012), Strength & Dignity, and What to Say & How to Say it, and Daughters of Sarah, she has seen hundreds of lives positively impacted by the understanding and application of the biblical concept of respect. Nina writes and speaks about relationships and our identity in Christ on her podcast and her blog.

Nina has been married to her husband, Jim, since 1991, and together they are privileged to have raised three children.

Eileen Herzog, Operations Director

Eileen joined Greater Impact Ministries in 2016 as a Financial Analyst. She has provided many new insights and procedures, using her love of organization and detailed records. A retired CPA with Deloitte & Touche, LLP, Eileen specialized in managing co-sourcing teams and implementing tax software at major corporations. In 2017, Eileen created a ministry at her church that supports a Foster Care Outreach charitable organization. Her team donates 144 backpacks each year, filled with comfort items, to children entering foster care. Her accountant’s code of ethics, her 40-year Christian walk and her dedication to following the rules make her an ideal steward for our ministry.

Eileen and her husband, Jim celebrated their 50th anniversary in 2019. They have two children and twin granddaughters. She is an avid crafter in her spare time.

Bonnie Hauer, Communications Director

Bonnie began volunteering for Greater Impact in 2010 as the Prayer Team coordinator. Her responsibilities quickly grew to include customer communications and the admin for our website and various application integrations.  Bonnie communicates prayer requests to our fantastic Prayer Team of committed prayer warriors.  She has a heart for women and has appreciated the effect the ministry has had in her own marriage.

Bonnie has been married to Doug since 1977. They have three adult children and four grandchildren. She enjoys walking alongside her sisters in Christ, serving in her local church, and mentoring women.
Our coaches:

Lewelen Empié, Greater Impact Certified Coach/Strength & Dignity eCourse Manager & Mentor

Lewelen became one of the first mentors in our Strength & Dignity eCourse. She joined the Greater Impact Staff in 2017 and received her Greater Impact Coaching Certification in 2021. Lewelen has a soft heart for the women who come to the ministry (usually in crisis), mentoring them, Titus 2 style, directing them to the Lord for answers only He can provide. She uses this same style in her coaching, knowing that although she is certified as a Coach, the Lord does His best work when she is out of His way. She enters her coaching sessions with a heart to be used as His vessel. Lewelen is also a straight shooter. What you see is what you get. Her coaching style is a mix of standard coaching with a little mentoring sprinkled in.

Lewelen has been married to her husband Guy since 1987. Together they have two adult daughters. Her favorite thing to do is spend time with her family.

Doris Homan, Greater Impact Certified Coach/Training Development Leader/eCourse Mentor

Doris is known for leading well, she is called “the perfect mix of details and encouragement, accountability, energy, support, and fun”. As a Bible teacher since the mid 1990's, she leads with a deep love for studying the Word of God and passes that passion on to others.

She is a speaker, blogger and author of The Christian Journey, Part I & II. On Staff with Greater Impact Ministries, a Mentor, and a GIM certified Coach, Doris assists in providing spiritual content for our 43,000+ followers on social media.

Doris’ mission is to help Christians know the Word of God and apply it, so they are better equipped to navigate both the calm waters and the storms of life. A graduate of the University of Cincinnati, with a Bachelor’s in Business Administration, she and her husband John now reside in SW Florida.

Stefanie Price, Greater Impact Certified Coach/Events Coordinator/Administration

Stefanie has been part of the Greater Impact Staff since 2015 as an event planner for our conferences. She loves to help people feel welcome when they attend a teaching class or conference. She became a Greater Impact Certified Coach in 2021 and is a passionate leader of our Daughters of Sarah class.

Stefanie is a graduate of the Deeper Walk Prayer Ministry Training where she has learned how to navigate others through spiritual warfare and into the love of our Lord Jesus Christ.  She also serves on the Women’s Ministry Leadership Team at her local church.

Stefanie and her husband Phil live in Ohio. They have two adult children who are married and have given them seven AWESOME grandchildren.

Our Board of Directors:

Eileen Herzog, Chair
Jay Kittenbrink
Gail Wehrman
Doug Hauer
Bonnie Hauer

Greater Impact Live

Other Stuff

© Copyright - Greater Impact Ministries 1320 Nagel Rd, Suite 54783. Cincinnati, OH 45254-7533